Thursday, June 25, 2009

Challenge! Serial contest in July -- Read my Nurture/Destroy

I'll be participating in WordPress challenge this summer with serial episodes of "Nurture/Destroy". Please read and comment and let Declaration Editing know what you think!


Talkative Lois, “Auntie Lo” to generations of nieces and nephews, raised her four younger brothers when their parents were killed. Now the indomitable Lo needs to enter a care facility: a whole new set of characters and interactions while the Quacious family dynamics continue to act out tragedy and comedy.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Published again! Poems, yet?

I'd never thought of myself as a poet, but somehow the really perplexing and overwhelming emotions just seem to vent best in that form. So my "Spawned in the Sea" is in the current issue, and my poem about the elephants coping with climate change, "Choices," will be forthcoming by Tiger'sEye Poetry.

I found a serial blogging contest that sounds like such fun, but hadn't a clue about what I'd write in serial form until I visited with my beautiful friend Murel at the retirement home. We got laughing about some of the incidents there and the idea simply took off. I'm working on the outline now and incidents just keep popping up here at home, too, to add to. What a riot! Life is so fun if you don't take yourself too seriously.
